help falling asleep

Can’t Sleep? These Common Issues May Be What’s Stopping You.

If sleep doesn’t come easily to you, you’re not alone. Almost 30% of US adults sleep for less than six hours daily, falling short of the recommended seven to eight hours. You may struggle to fall asleep, wake several times each night or wake early and find yourself unable to drop off again. Whatever the presentation of your insomnia, it can cause poor concentration and irritability, which make it difficult for you to function during the day. Falling asleep behind the wheel or struggling with daily tasks are hazardous, but you are also more prone to develop depression, diabetes, obesity or raised blood pressure if you don’t get enough sleep. Therefore, addressing sleep problems is essential, but you first need to understand the cause of your sleeping difficulties.

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benefits of fruit

4 Common Health Issues That Can Be Improved By Eating Fruit!

You can maintain good health and improve your physical well-being easily by eating fruit on a daily basis. Specifically, someone on a 2000-calorie a day diet should eat at least two cups of fruit daily to maintain good health and weight.

If you’re currently managing one or more health conditions, adding more or different fruit to your diet could help. Here is how fruit can improve five common health issues.

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reduce stress tips

Did You Know Stress Is Contagious? Here’s How To Make Sure You Don’t Catch It.

Viruses are contagious, but stress? Really? You can catch anxiety just as quickly as a cold. However, you’re used to recognizing the symptoms of a bug like coughing and sneezing and can avoid people who have them. Second-hand stress, though, might seep into your psyche before you’ve put up your guard. There again, is there a tactic you can use against other people’s stress? The answer is yes, but you have to be aware of it before you can protect yourself.

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reduce heart disease

5 Things You Can Do to Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the biggest killers of both men and women, with as many as one in four deaths being directly connected to heart disease. Lifestyle factors are largely responsible for many cases of heart disease, which means that the condition is often preventable. Here are five things you can do to reduce the risk of heart disease.

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germs in your kitchen

5 Smart Kitchen Habits Vital to Good Health

Good health isn’t just the result of healthy eating and exercise. To stay healthy, it’s important to prevent the spread of contagions.

Actions such as covering your mouth when you sneeze or cough, washing your hands properly after using the facilities, bathing regularly, and staying at home when you’re ill can help reduce the spread of germs. Limiting your contact with bacteria in your home can help as well.

Here are five kitchen habits that can help you maintain your good health.

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vitamin d benefits

3 Important Health Discoveries You Need to Know

With billions of dollars of medical research spent every year, even experts have a hard time keeping up with the latest developments. And while many of those discoveries won’t directly affect the average person, many do. Below are four of the most valuable recent findings that researchers have learned this year. What you find may help you age slowly, stay healthy, and drastically reduce your risk of a cardiac event.

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