Chemical Peel Vs. Facelift – Which Is For You?

chemical peel benefits

Patients with concerns about sagging skin, blemishes, or skin texture sometimes have a difficult time deciding between a chemical peel or facelift surgery. They must consider several factors, including their aesthetic goals and whether they feel comfortable with a surgical procedure. In some cases, a combination of both procedures works best. The facelift surgery comes first followed by the chemical peel several months later. This ensures an adequate healing time for both procedures.

What is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peel is a popular option for improving skin texture and resurfacing the layers of the skin. It is acidic and available in varying degrees from a light to a deep peel. Undergoing a chemical peel also improves skin pigmentation problems, wrinkles, and blemishes. Prior to the chemical peel, the patient meets with a doctor specializing in plastic surgery to identify the treatment areas.

On the day of the procedure, the doctor prepares the acidic solution and then applies it to the designated treatment area. The topmost layer of skin begins to peel away after the cosmetic chemical peel procedure. This produces an underlying layer of skin that is less wrinkled and prone to blemishes. The degree of invasiveness of the chemical peel depends on its intensity. Most people can resume normal activities shortly after receiving a light chemical peel. However, a deeper peel requires time off work for recovery.

Some of the distinct advantages of a chemical peel include:

  • Has the potential to be minimally invasive
  • Improves the texture and overall quality of the skin
  • Removes blemishes that can make people feel self-conscious
  • The level of intensity is variable depending on the needs of the patient

What is Facelift Surgery?

The facelift is an effective and in-demand anti-aging procedure. During this minor surgery, a plastic surgeon removes excess tissue and skin that contribute to the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. To start the facelift, the plastic surgeon makes small incisions near the lower portion of the patient’s hairline and the upper part of the ear. The next step involves removing underlying structures through the incision in addition to excess skin. Lastly, the doctor pulls the skin that remains around the patient’s face into a tight position and sutures it. Patients receive an injection to numb the skin before the facelift officially gets underway.

Some of the clear advantages of a surgical facelift include:

  • Improved self-esteem due to a more youthful appearance
  • The skin appears tighter and firmer
  • Light scars are well disguised in the incision sites
  • Eliminates fat and loose skin under the chin and jaw
  • Eliminates deep creases between the mouth and nose and under the eyes
  • Improves the appearance of jowls that appear due to a decrease in muscle tone
  • Eliminates mid-face sagging

The patient may need to repeat the facelift at some point due to the natural process of aging. Most patients can go up to 10 years before they start to spot wrinkles, sagging skin, crow’s feet, and other typical signs of aging. After a facelift, the patient can look as much as 15 years younger.

Making the Decision

Both procedures erase visible signs of aging from the face, leaving patients with greater self-confidence. Before deciding, it is advisable for anyone who wants to improve their facial appearance to schedule a plastic surgery consultation. This appointment gives the patient the opportunity to learn more about the areas each procedure targets as well as the expected outcome, risks, and benefits. Scheduling both procedures several months apart can be the ideal solution for those seeking the maximum anti-aging effect through plastic surgery.